Stephen Wilde
Welcome to my blog here you can find things I have made or I am working on. I program in C/C++, Python, JS, Lua and more.

It's the posts!


Python in a browser?

The future of web creation is here, whilst its marketing campain as a Javascript killer is a little ambitious at the moment Py-Script makes it possible...



I have started to make a bot in Python for IRC. I wanted to post it here in case you want to use one on the...


QRGenerator Update

I decided to update the QR Generator as to now put the generated QR codes into its own file rarther than filling up where ever you...

What I have been up to!

So I have been absent from this website for a while this was to work on a new community! I have created a mental health forum...

No posts in a while?

Ok, so I have decided to take a break from all my projects for a little while due to mental health issues. I am ok but...