Stephen Wilde
Welcome to my blog here you can find things I have made or I am working on. I program in C/C++, Python, JS, Lua and more.

QRGenerator Update

I decided to update the QR Generator as to now put the generated QR codes into its own file rarther than filling up where ever you download the program to.

The update is now on GitHub

All QR codes now go into a folder called generatedqr the program even checks to see if you have the file on your computer if not it will make the file. It will also output the location of your generatedqr folder.

Here is the updated code:

import qrcode
import os.path

def qr_create():
    location = os.getcwd()
    #Welcome message durr
    welcome = "Welcome to this QR generator by"
    #list for file extentions
    ext = ["jpg", "png", "gif"]

    #Step 1 Txt of QRcode
    print("Enter your QRcode TXT")
    qrcodeInput = input()

    #Step 2 File Name
    print("Enter the name of the image")
    qrcodeFName = input()
    #replaces all empty strings with _ for a reason! just sayin
    qrcodeFName = qrcodeFName.replace(" ", "_")
    img = qrcode.make(qrcodeInput)

    #Step 3 File extension
    print("Please enter a number to your file extension\n1 for jpg\n2 for png\n3 for gif" )
    qrcodeFExt = input()
    qrcodeFExt = int(qrcodeFExt)

    if qrcodeFExt == 1: + "." + (ext[0]))
        print("Saved as " + qrcodeFName + "." + (ext[0]))
        print("in location directory: {0}".format(location))

    elif qrcodeFExt == 2: + "." + (ext[1]))
        print("Saved as " + qrcodeFName + "." + (ext[1]))
        print("in location directory: {0}".format(location))

    elif qrcodeFExt == 3: + "." + (ext[2]))
        print("Saved as " + qrcodeFName + "." + (ext[2]))
        print("in location directory: {0}".format(location))

        print("can not save as file extension is not valid")

    #step 4 its obvious

is_file_there = os.path.exists('generatedqr')

if is_file_there == True:
    print("Nothing to do as generatedqr exists starting QR code Generator")

    print("Making file generatedqr")

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