Completed Unnecessary hard game

*** UPDATE 24 April 2020: Due to this actually being quite popular, I am going to be updating this to be a full game with more levels and penalties for using cheats. I hope to launch the new one within a few days ****

The numbers game I made is now completed. It now has 4 levels (Easy, Medium, Hard & Ultra) also it now has cheats also so you can speed through the program because you can, That’s pretty much the last update on this game for a while now as I can pretty much check this off as completed.

I hope you have fun with it and remeber you are not a number god unless you complete it without cheats 😀

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define FONTGREEN "\x1b[32m"
#define FONTRESET "\x1b[0m"
#define FONTRED "\x1b[31m"

int main(void) {



    int r = rand() % 1000 + 1;
    int complete = 0;
    int try;
    int countdown = 0;
    int cheat = 123456789;
    int restart = 987654321;
    int ecomplete = 0;
    int easy = rand() % 10 + 1;
    int mcomplete = 0;
    int medium = rand() % 100 + 1;
    int hcomplete = 0;
    int hard = rand () % 1000 + 1;
    int ucomplete = 0;
    int ultra = rand () & 10000000 + 1;

system ("clear");

printf("Lets play a game - I have generated a number and all you have to do is guess it!\nPick a number between 1 and 10: ");

    do {
        scanf("%d", &try);
        if (try == easy) {

            printf(FONTGREEN "How did you get that and in %d tries! I'm impressed\n", countdown);

            printf("Easy level complete.\n\n*****Are you ready*****\nMedium level starts in 10 seconds\n" FONTRESET );

            ecomplete = 1;
            countdown = 0;
            sleep (10);
            goto medium;


        if (try < easy) {
            printf(FONTRED "Try number %d, too low,\nPlease try again: " FONTRESET, countdown);

        if (try > easy) {
            printf(FONTRED "Try number %d was too high\nplease try again: " FONTRESET, countdown);

        if (try == cheat){

            printf("\nThe number I am looking for is: %d\n Although you are a cheater, just saying\n now enter it and press enter: " , easy);


        if (try == restart){
            printf("\n Restarting game\n");
            sleep (5);
            goto start;

 }while (ecomplete == 0);


 system ("clear");

printf("Pick any number from 1 to 100: ");

    do {
        scanf("%d", &try);
        if (try == medium) {

            printf(FONTGREEN "How did you get that and in %d tries! I'm impressed\n", countdown);

            printf("Medium level complete.\n\n*****Are you ready*****\nHard level starts in 10 seconds\n" FONTRESET );

            mcomplete = 1;
            sleep (10);
            countdown = 0;
            goto hard;


        if (try < medium) {
            printf(FONTRED "Try number %d, too low,\nPlease try again: " FONTRESET, countdown);

        if (try > medium) {
            printf(FONTRED "Try number %d was too high\nplease try again: " FONTRESET, countdown);

        if (try == cheat){

            printf("\nThe number I am looking for is: %d\n Although you are a cheater, just saying\n now enter it and press enter: " , medium);


        if (try == restart){
            printf("\n Restarting game\n");
            sleep (5);
            goto start;

 }while (mcomplete == 0);


 system ("clear");

printf("Pick any number between 1 to 1000: ");

    do {
        scanf("%d", &try);
        if (try == hard) {

            printf(FONTGREEN "How did you get that and in %d tries! I'm impressed\n", countdown);

            printf("hard level complete.\n\n*****Are you ready*****\nUltra god level starts in 10 seconds\n" FONTRESET );

            hcomplete = 1;
            sleep (10);
            countdown = 0;
            goto ultra;


        if (try < hard) {
            printf(FONTRED "Try number %d, too low,\nPlease try again: " FONTRESET, countdown);

        if (try > hard) {
            printf(FONTRED "Try number %d was too high\nplease try again: " FONTRESET, countdown);

        if (try == cheat){

            printf("\nThe number I am looking for is: %d\n Although you are a cheater, just saying\n now enter it and press enter: " , hard);


        if (try == restart){
            printf("\n Restarting game\n");
            sleep (5);
            goto start;

 }while (hcomplete == 0);


 system ("clear");

printf("Pick a number between 1 and 10000000: ");

    do {
        scanf("%d", &try);
        if (try == ultra) {

            printf(FONTGREEN "How did you get that and in %d tries! I'm impressed\n", countdown);

            printf("Thats the game complete - You are now a number god\n" FONTRESET );
            printf(FONTRED"Restarting the game\n" FONTRESET );
           sleep (10);
            ucomplete = 1;
            countdown = 0;
            goto start;


        if (try < ultra) {
            printf(FONTRED "Try number %d, too low,\nPlease try again: " FONTRESET, countdown);

        if (try > ultra) {
            printf(FONTRED "Try number %d was too high\nplease try again: " FONTRESET, countdown);

        if (try == cheat){

            printf("\nThe number I am looking for is: %d\n Although you are a cheater, just saying\n now enter it and press enter: " , ultra);


        if (try == restart){
            printf("\n Restarting game\n");
            sleep (5);
            goto start;

 }while (ucomplete == 0);

 return 0;


Previous version

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