Just a little mess about whilst I can’t sleep

Right, so its nearly 3 am and I can not sleep so I thought I would make a little useless program for Windows… Put simply it basically asks “How can I help” if you type “Secret it will run “tree c:/” command on Windows. For those that don’t know what that does it displays an itemized view of your C:/ Drive. It looks pretty cool even though it’s literally useless. If you type anything else the program will exit out. Again this was just something I made because I can’t sleep and I needed something to do 😀

As a side note… I know the bool is not needed at all, again it gave me something to do…

#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>

void stage2();

int main();
bool isActive = false;
std::string input = "";

void nope();

void check() 

	while (isActive == false) 
		std::cout << "Checking ID" << std::endl;
		isActive = true;
		if (isActive == true && input == "secret")
			isActive = false;
			std::cout << "Nope... There is no access... Exiting";


void stage2() 
	std::cout << "This works" << std::endl << "\n \n \n \n";
	system ("tree c:/");

void failed() 

void nope() 
	std::cout << "No Access!";

int main() 
	std::cout << "How can i help you?" << std::endl;
	std::cin >> input;

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